
Dr. Lee






Basic Application methods for Endau

The following recommendation come from Dr. Lee's book, audio and video tapes, conversations with him and personal experience.  Check these resources for further information.  There are probably as many ways to effectively use natural progesterone cream as there are women - you can tailor it to fit your individual body and needs. The goal is to get our bodies to normal cycling and function.  Involve your doctor when needed and try to find one who will work with you on this program.  Take responsibility to know your body better than anyone, use common sense and pay attention.  Some women have reported estrogen dominance symptoms for a week or two after starting progesterone.  This is usually caused by sensitization of estrogen receptors and generally disappears within a few weeks.  Using more progesterone than recommended can shut down the receptors.

  1. Endau can be applied to almost any area of your body.  Rotate the areas to which you apply it.   Absorptions is best where the skin is relatively thin and well supplied with capillary blood flow, such as the abdomen, neck, upper, chest, breast, inner arms and thighs and the palms of the hands and feet.
  2. Use anywhere from1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of cream per day.  Symptom relief is the best way to tell if you are using enough.  Be patient and give it 3 to 4 months.
  3. Pre-menopausal women who are still flowing should start anywhere from day 12 to day 15 of the first day of your cycle.  Start at day 15 if still ovulating.  Use until day 26, as it usually takes a couple of days off the cream to start flowing.  These women should use one 2 oz bottle in 2 - 3 months if applied correctly.  Dr. Lee believes that pre-menopausal women should not be given estrogen.  The fact that there is menstrual bleeding indicates no estrogen deficiency.
  4. Menopausal women not taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can apply the Endau for 14 - 21 days based upon a calendar month.  Do the same each month, skipping one week to account for menstrual flow time.  These women may use one bottle every 1 - 2  months.
  5. Menopausal women on HRT need to reduce their dosage to half before starting the progesterone.  DO THIS GRADUALLY by cutting pills in half or skipping one day, then two, etc.  Continue lowering dosage by 1/2 every 2 - 3 months.   If synthetic progesterin is part of your hormone replacement therapy, you can go off that part of the program abruptly and should do so before using the cream.  NOTE:  With the use of progesterone cream, the need may decrease for thyroid medication and high blood pressure medication.  DO NOT GO OFF THIS MEDICATION EXCEPT UNDER YOUR DOCTOR'S SUPERVISION.
  6. Estrogen therapy (estriol) may be indicated for a minority of the women experiencing vaginal dryness or hot flashes that don't go away with natural progesterone therapy.  Dr. Lee suggest using this for only 4 months o 1 year.
  7. For migraines, use Endau for 10 days before your period.  If you experience a headache, apply a small amount to the back of the neck and across the forehead and temples every 3 - 4 hours until symptoms subside.
  8. For cramping, rub a small amount on your abdomen every 30 minutes.
  9. Lifestyle changes are important!
    1. avoid hydrogenated oils and most vegetable oils
    2. eat whole unprocessed foods - organic whenever possible
    3. eat meat sparingly - organic if possible
    4. cut down on dairy products or use low fat and HORMONE FREE
    5. eat more fiber (Neways Feeling Good is an excellent supplement)
    6. take vitamins/minerals
    7. exercise regularly
    8. eliminate sugars, alcohol, smoking, caffeine




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